As a woman...
I alone have charge over my body!
I will not eat second.
I will not wait for you.
I will not allow you to make decisions for me.
I will not allow you to project fear on me.
I will not bow to you or cow tow to you.
I will not be silent so you can speak!
I will not listen first and speak after.
I will wear whatever I want to wear!
I will do what I damn well want to do!
I will go where I want to go!
I will find safety and peace in me.
I will project love and care for you to see!
I will speak my truth!
I will shout if it helps you hear!
I will show my anger to display I am serious!
I will prepare a beautiful place for children to grow and prosper!
I will create a nest and a sanctuary!
I will hold your hand and let you guide.
I will also guide.
I will let you be guardian as I stand by your side.
Within me all life comes forth!
All children come from my womb!
I will be honored.
Angela Jeanne Rose Heart
Mabon- Oct 2018